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Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2019

Week 3

La semaine dernière, j’avais trois objectives. Le premier objectif était d'acquerir de nouveau vocabulaire. Cet objectif a été fait parce que dans Rosetta Fundation, j’ai appris de nouveau vocabulaire au sujet de les vêtements, les pays et la maison et ses sections. De plus, j’ai cherché nouveaux mots surtout “French connectors” pour finalement, écrire mon journal en Français. Mon second objectif était écrit le journal en français. Cela a été ma deuxième semaine dans la page. Je découvre encore de nouvelles activités que la page me propose. Par exemple, cette semaine, j’ai essayé  jeux diffèrent. Jeux sont très utiles pour apprendre des nouvelles langues car vous engagez dans la langue pendant que vous l’apprenez au même temps.   Sur les trois jeux que j’ai essayé, deux étaient vraiment intéressant. Le premier jeu s’appelle  Bubble Mania  et il consiste en écouter diffèrent sons et distinguer les uns des autres en cliquant sur la bonne couleur. Je pense à c’est un bon jeu pour

Week 2

This week I have started to work with the Rosetta stone foundation page. It was my first time in contact with the page as I have never used it but somehow, it reminds me of Duolingo. I have to say that my first experience with it has been really good. At the beginning I was a little bit lost about how to use it but it is quite easy. The way of conducting the activities is well developed. In general, it allows you to practice the four skills individually in different activities. I also like that the core activities include a little bit of the four skills. And another thing that is a plus is that they repeat you the same thing many times. In that way, your brain keeps the word easily. Another thing that I enjoy of the page is that it does not explain grammar by conjugating the verbs. It presents you the conjugations in sentences. It teaches you grammar by given examples. And it is not only with the verbs, but also with the different articles and the formation of the plural. Also,

Week 1

Before clicking on these activities, I did not have an idea of what Reflective Thinking was. After watching the video of the first activity where it is explained, I have come to the conclusion that it is something that we do almost in our daily life. And that is why it is important to put it into practice in the classroom. In the first video, this concept is explained as well as the different steps to follow. Again, I realised, that in a normal situation we follow those steps although we are not thinking in which steps we are. And in the classroom is the same. When presenting a topic, the first thing that it is done is describing the situation and then, talking and analysing the topic. Another thing that kept my attention from the video is the four critically reflective lenses which is quite interesting. This is another thing that I did not know about. While listening to the video, I stopped to think about the times I have been teaching. I used techniques that I learnt from my tea